NCMST researcher to visit the University of Bristol


In the period 24/10/2019 – 31/10/2019 dr. Tudor Braniste from the National Center for Material Study and Testing visited the University of Bristol in UK, where he met dr. Andrei Sarua, senior lecturer at School of Physics and NanoMedTwin project leader from University of Bristol.

At Bristol University, with support of PhD student Andrei Tiron and Dr. Sarua, he investigated the photoluminescence properties of Aero-ZnS, a new ultraporous nanomaterial. Visiting the Bristol Center for Functional Nanomaterials, dr. Braniste learned about the self-assembly of biological materials and their investigation using X-ray and neutron scattering form Dr. Annela Seddon, who is a leading researcher in the field and the director of the BCFN.

Following the discussions with Dr. Duncan Casey, Industrial Fellow at BCFN, dr. Braniste was familiarised with best practices on technology transfer training available at University of Bristol.